About Us
- Anti-vibration Milling Cutter Series
- 2 EAVD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 2 EALD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation, Long Flute Length),4 Flutes
- 2D ERVD (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 2D ERLD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation, Long Flute Length),4 Flutes
- 2D MLERVD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation Long shank),4 Flutes
- 2D ERVB (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation, Ball Nose),4 Flutes
- 2D ERVR (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation Tpye Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 2D SEW (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation, Wave Edge),4 Flutes
- 2 PE3 (Flat End Mill),3 Flutes
- 2 MHR (Roughing End Mills),4 Flutes
- 2 MHH (Tungsten Carbide End Mills for Roughing with Chip Breaker),4 Flutes
- CED (Highly Efficient Operation),4 Flutes
- CEB (Highly Efficient Operation, Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- CER (Highly Efficient Operation, Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- CHD For Highly Efficient Operation Milling Cutter, 4Flutes
- CHD For Highly Efficient Operation (Decimal Diameter) Milling Cutter,4 Flutes
- Tungsten Carbide End Mill for Aluminum Alloy & Copper
- 2 AED (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AEW (Aluminum End Mills-Wave Helix Blades Type),3 Flutes
- 2 AEC (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AELC (Long Flute Length, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AE (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 SLAE / MLAE (Long Shank, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AEL (Long Flute Length, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 ACB (Ball Nose, Aluminum Alloy),2 Flutes
- 2 SLACB/MLACB/LLACB (Long Shank Ball Nose End Mill for Aluminum Alloy),2 Flutes
- 2 AR (Corner Radius, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 SLAR/MLAR/LLAR (Long Shank Corner Radius, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- End Mill
- 2 MHD (Heavy cutting Operation Type), 4 Flutes
- 2 SLE4/MLE4/LLE4 (Long Shank ,Regular Length),4 Flutes
- 2 LET4 (Long-Flute Length End Mill),4 Flutes
- 2 SE2 (Regular Length),2 Flutes
- 2 MSE2 / SE2 (Flat End Mill),2 Flutes-Micro Decimal Diameter
- 5 MHD (Heavy Cutting Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 5 MSE2 (Flat End Mill),2 Flutes Decimal Diameter
- 5 SLE4/MLE4/LLE4 (Long Shank ,Regular Length),4 Flutes
- 5 LET4 (Long Flute Length End Mill),4 Flutes
- 5 LNT (For Deep Processing, Long Neck),2 Flutes
- 638 SE4 (Regular Length, For High Hardness Material),4 Flutes
- 638 MSE2 (Flat End Mill, For High Hardness Material),2 Flutes-Micro Decimal Diameter
- 638 MSE2/SE2 (Regular Length, For High Hardness Material),2 Flutes
- 638 MSP6 (High Hardness ),6 Flutes
- 638 MLP6 (High Hardness Material, Long Flute Length),6 Flutes
- Ball End Mill
- 2 MSB2 (Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- 2 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose, Long Shank),2 Flutes
- 5 MSB2/SB2 (Ball Nose), 2 Flutes
- 5 MSB (Ball Nose),2 Flutes-Decimal Diameter
- 5 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose,Long Shank),2 Flutes
- 5 LNB (Ball Nose For Deep Processing, Long Neck),2 Flutes
- 638 MSB2/SB2 (Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- 638 MSB ( Ball Nose, For High Hardness Material), 2 Flutes-Micro Diameter
- 638 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose, Long Shank),2 Flutes
- Corner Radius End Mill
- 2 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 2 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank)4, Flutes
- 5 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 5 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank),4 Flutes
- 5 LNR (Corner Radius For Deep Processing, Long Neck),4 Flutes
- 638 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 638 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank),4 Flutes
- Special Milling Cutters for Compound Lathe
- Thread Mill
- End Mills for Special Processing
- End Mill Bits
- End Mill Shank Series
- Micro Diameter Boring Tools
- Tungsten Steel Drill Bit Series
- Made in Taiwan Hand Tools Series
- Custom-made profile milling cutter
- Machinery Processing Factory
- 2 EAVD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 2 EALD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation, Long Flute Length),4 Flutes
- 2D ERVD (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 2D ERLD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation, Long Flute Length),4 Flutes
- 2D MLERVD (Highly-Efficiency Anti-Vibration Operation Long shank),4 Flutes
- 2D ERVR (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation Tpye Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 2D SEW (Highly-Efficiency & Anti-Vibration Operation, Wave Edge),4 Flutes
- 2 PE3 (Flat End Mill),3 Flutes
- 2 MHR (Roughing End Mills),4 Flutes
- CED (Highly Efficient Operation),4 Flutes
- CEB (Highly Efficient Operation, Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- CER (Highly Efficient Operation, Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- CHD For Highly Efficient Operation Milling Cutter, 4Flutes
- 2 AED (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AEW (Aluminum End Mills-Wave Helix Blades Type),3 Flutes
- 2 AEC (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AELC (Long Flute Length, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AE (For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 SLAE / MLAE (Long Shank, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 AEL (Long Flute Length, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 ACB (Ball Nose, Aluminum Alloy),2 Flutes
- 2 SLACB/MLACB/LLACB (Long Shank Ball Nose End Mill for Aluminum Alloy),2 Flutes
- 2 SLAR/MLAR/LLAR (Long Shank Corner Radius, For Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2 MHD (Heavy cutting Operation Type), 4 Flutes
- 2 SLE4/MLE4/LLE4 (Long Shank ,Regular Length),4 Flutes
- 2 LET4 (Long-Flute Length End Mill),4 Flutes
- 2 SE2 (Regular Length),2 Flutes
- 2 MSE2 / SE2 (Flat End Mill),2 Flutes-Micro Decimal Diameter
- 5 MHD (Heavy Cutting Operation Type),4 Flutes
- 5 MSE2 (Flat End Mill),2 Flutes Decimal Diameter
- 5 SLE4/MLE4/LLE4 (Long Shank ,Regular Length),4 Flutes
- 5 LET4 (Long Flute Length End Mill),4 Flutes
- 5 LNT (For Deep Processing, Long Neck),2 Flutes
- 638 SE4 (Regular Length, For High Hardness Material),4 Flutes
- 638 MSE2 (Flat End Mill, For High Hardness Material),2 Flutes-Micro Decimal Diameter
- 638 MSE2/SE2 (Regular Length, For High Hardness Material),2 Flutes
- 638 MSP6 (High Hardness ),6 Flutes
- 638 MLP6 (High Hardness Material, Long Flute Length),6 Flutes
- 2 MSB2 (Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- 2 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose, Long Shank),2 Flutes
- 5 MSB (Ball Nose),2 Flutes-Decimal Diameter
- 5 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose,Long Shank),2 Flutes
- 5 LNB (Ball Nose For Deep Processing, Long Neck),2 Flutes
- 638 MSB2/SB2 (Ball Nose),2 Flutes
- 638 MSB ( Ball Nose, For High Hardness Material), 2 Flutes-Micro Diameter
- 638 SLB2/MLB2/LLB2 (Ball Nose, Long Shank),2 Flutes
- 2 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 2 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank)4, Flutes
- 5 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 5 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank),4 Flutes
- 5 LNR (Corner Radius For Deep Processing, Long Neck),4 Flutes
- 638 RTA (Corner Radius),4 Flutes
- 638 SLR4/MLR4 (Corner Radius, Long Shank),4 Flutes
- 2D TMAE (Compound Lathe End Mill for Aluminum Alloy),3 Flutes
- 2D TMTAE (Compound Lathe End Mill for Aluminum Alloy-Small handle),3 Flutes
- 2D TMSB (Compound Lathe Ball Nose End Mill),2 Flutes
- 2D TMTSB (Compound Lathe Ball Nose End Mill-Small Handle),2 Flutes
- 2D TMPE (For Compound Lathe End Mill),3 Flutes
- 2D TMTPE (For Compound Lathe End Mill-Small handle mill),3 Flutes
- VUA (Thread Milling Tools-Helical Flutes-ISO Metric) Three teeth
- VUB (Thread Milling Tools-Helical Flutes-ISO Metric)-Full teeth
- VUA Tungsten Carbide Thread Milling Tools-American-UN (Internal/External)
- VUB Tungsten Carbide Thread Milling Tools-American-UN (Internal)
- Tungsten Carbide Chamfering End Mill,2 Flutes/4 Flutes
- Tungsten Carbide Back and Front Chamfering Cutter
- Tungsten Carbide V-Pointed End Mill (Drilling and Milling)
- 2 Tungsten Carbide Spot Drills
- 5 TTA Tungsten Carbide Engraving End Mill
- 2 RC Tungsten Carbide Outer Radius End Mill
- 280° Lollipop Tungsten Carbide Ball Nose milling cutter
- For Composite Materials, Carbon Fiber tungsten Carbide milling cutter
- YYE For Composite Materials Tungsten Carbide Milling Cutter
- Tungsten Carbide, T-Shape End Mill,4 Flutes / 6 Flutes
- Brazed Carbide T-Slot Cutter (Straight Flute)
- Carbide Dove-Tail End Mills
- 5 TTA Tungsten Carbide Taper End Mills-2 / 4 Flutes
- GL Tungsten Carbide Anti-Vibration Tools Holder
- HDC/HUC Tungsten Carbide Tools Holder – HDC/HUC Collect Chuck
- HDC/HUC Collet Chuck
- GLCK Tungsten Carbide Anti Vibration Boring System Tool Holder
- Tungsten Carbide Flat-Bottom Drill
- Solid Carbide Straight Shank Drills
- Solid Carbide Long Flute Straight Shank Drills
- Solid Carbide Straight Shank Machine Reamers
- Tungsten Carbide Machine Reamer (Micro Decimal Diameter)
- Tungsten Carbide Machine Reamer (Long Shank)
- Solid Carbide Machine Reamers
- HSS High Speed Steel TORX Professional Bit
- HSS High Speed Steel Phillips Professional Bit
- HSS High Speed Steel HEX Professional Bit
- HSS High Speed Steel TORX Screwdriver
- HSS High Speed Steel TORX Screwdriver Interchangeable Bit
- Ratchet Wrench for Swiss Type CNC Lathe
- TORX Bit of Ratchet Wrench for Swiss Type CNC Lathe
- Made in Taiwan Tungsten Carbide Steel Chamfering / Deburring Tool
- Domestic Appliances Industry
- Mold and Die Manufacturing Industry
- Electronic Products
- Aerospace Parts Industry
- Plumbing Hardware Industry
- Semi-Conductors Industry
- Automobile and Motorcycle Industry
- Bicycles Industry
- Fastener Industry
- Optoelectronic Industry
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